
Marketplace frontend projects have both unit tests and end-to-end tests. These tests help catch regressions, validate user flow, and add confidence the codebase. When adding a feature, try to look to cover it with tests.

Our tests expect that you use the Marketplace API Mock. You can do so by setting in your local settings:

api_url: 'https://flue.paas.allizom.org',
media_url: 'https://flue.paas.allizom.org'

Expect to have to modify the Marketplace API Mock when writing tests for new features. When doing so, try to keep the responses predictable rather than random as to not introduce flakiness into our tests.

When modifying a module that has defined input and output, write a unit test. When modifying the UI or something that affects multiple pages and URLs, then write an end-to-end test.

Unit Tests

Unit tests live in:

  • <frontend-project>/tests/unit for frontend projects
  • marketplace-core-modules/tests for Marketplace Core Modules

To run the unit tests once:

make unittest

To continuosly run unit tests when files change:

make unittest-watch


If you encounter an error where the karma command cannot be found try running rm -rf node_modules && npm install to get a fresh copy of the node dependencies.

How They Work

The unit tests are powered by RequireJS, in terms of being able to “import” modules and unit test their interfaces. The tests use the following libraries:

  • Mocha for defining tests.
  • Chai for assertions.
  • Sinon for mocks, stubs and spies.
  • Squire for managing RequireJS.
  • Karma to run the tests in a real browser.

Writing a Unit Test

A basic unit test may look like:

define('tests/unit/some-module', ['tests/unit/helpers'], function(h) {
    describe('someModule.someFunction', function() {
        it('gives the expected value',
            .mock('someModuleToMock', {mockKey: mockValue})
            .run(['someModule'], function(someModule) {
                             'My Expected Value');

Important things to note:

  • describe and it come from Mocha. When the tests run the strings passed to describe and it will be combined to describe the test in the output. This test will be called “someModule.someFunction gives the expected result”.
  • h.injector() is a shorthand for new Squire(). It also takes a variable number of functions as arguments to intialize the mocking. These functions should accept the injector and call its mock method. There are some helpers included in tests/unit/helpers.js, such as mockSettings which can be used as: h.injector(h.mockSettings({mySetting: 'foo'})).
  • Calling run on the injector will automatically end the test for synchronous code. If you have asynchronous code you will need to use require instead and call Mocha’s done() function when complete.
  • See the Squire page for documentation on how to use Squire.

End-to-End Tests

We use CasperJS (v1.1.0-beta3) to write our end-to-end, or integration, tests. These tests live in the tests directory. This directory comprises of:

  • captures contains screenshots taken whenever a test fails.
  • lib/constants.js holds reusable constants.
  • lib/helpers.js helps power our tests on top of CasperJS. Contains various assertion facilities, utilities, and sets up necessary callbacks.
  • ui holds the actual test suites.

If you wish to run end-to-end tests with just one of the browser targets, you can run make uitest-phantom or make uitest-slimer. To run end-to-tests targetting both PhantomJS and SlimerJS, run:

make uitest

You can run a single test file or folder by setting UITEST_FILE environment variable:

UITEST_FILE=tests/ui/search.js make uitest-slimer

SlimerJS runs against an external Firefox binary. By default the tests will try to use /Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox. This only works on Mac and uses the installed version of Firefox. We recommended downloading and running tests with Firefox 30. You can then set the version of Firefox to use with SLIMERJSLAUNCHER. For convenience, include export SLIMERJSLAUNCHER=/path/to/firefox in your shell’s setup script.

SLIMERJSLAUNCHER=/Applications/Firefox-30.app/Contenst/MacOS/firefox make uitest-slimer

Writing an End-to-End Test

The tests usually consist of telling CasperJS what to click and then asserting that a selector is visible. An example test:

casper.test.begin('Test Some Selector', {
    test: function(test) {
        helpers.startCasper({path: '/some/path'});

        helpers.waitForPageLoaded(function() {
            // Run an assertion.
                               'Check that Some Selector is visible');

        casper.waitForSelector('.some-page', function() {
                               'Check navigated to Some Page');

        helpers.done(test);  // Required for test to run!

helpers is always available and contains useful boilerplate such as initializing CasperJS. We pass a path to startCasper which CasperJS will tell the browser to initially load. Try to use startCasper within the test function to keep the Casper environment isolated.

We begin a test, named Test Some Selector, which takes an object. The test function is injected with the CasperJS test module which contains assertion facilities and callbacks. Then we run the test, but make sure that the helpers.done(test) callback is invoked at the end.

Check out the CasperJS docs and our existing Fireplace tests for clues on how to write end-to-end tests for our frontend projects.

Mocking Login

To mock login, run helpers.fake_login(). This will, within the PhantomJS browser context, set a fake shared-secret token, set user’s apps and settings, add a login state on the body, and then asynchronously reload the page.

Usually, you will run fake_login() and then immediately use a helpers.waitForPageLoaded() to wait for the fake_login() to reload the page.

Executing Code Within the Browser Environment

The code within the tests themselves executes in Node runtime, not PhantomJS browser runtime. CasperJS handles the communication to the PhantomJS browser. If you wish to run something within browser environment, you can use casper.evaluate:

var returnValue = casper.evaluate(function() {
    window.querySelector('.some-selector').setAttribute('data-value', value);
    return window.querySelector('.some-selector').getAttribute(value);

casper.evaluate runs synchronously and is allowed to return primitive values up to the Node runtime.

Using waitFor’s

waitFor methods are useful for making CasperJS wait until a condition is met before running assertions. Generally, timeouts should be avoided with casper.wait.

For example, on many tests, we tell CasperJS to waitForSelector on body.loaded which is how we know the page is done rendering. We can also do this when we click around with casper.click, and tell CasperJS to wait until a selector we expect to be visible is loaded.

Here is a list of commonly used waitFor methods:

  • waitForSelector -

    wait for selector to exist in the DOM

  • waitWhileVisible -

    wait for selector to disappear

  • waitUntilVisible -

    wait for selector to appear

  • waitForUrl -

    wait until casper has moved to the desired or matching url

  • helpers.waitForPageLoaded - a custom waitFor helper we wrote that waits for page to load (body.loaded)

You can make custom waitFor by defining a function that returns true when a custom condition is met.

Debugging Tests

Some useful tips when debugging a failing test:

  • Set the system environment variable, SHOW_TEST_CONSOLE, to see every

console.log that is sent to the client-side console. This is useful for debugging tests. - Set the environment varible, FILTER_TEST_CONSOLE, along with SHOW_TEST_CONSOLE to see only logs that start with whatever is passed to FILTER_TEST_CONSOLE. Often, you can console.log [debug] in a casper.evaluate context and filter on that to poke around. - Whenever a test fails, CasperJS will automatically take a screenshot using PhantomJS. The screenshot is stored in the tests/captures directory. Check it out to see what the page looked like when an assertion fails.

Tips and Guidelines

  • Keep tests organized. Ideally, each test file tests a page or component, and each test (casper.begin('Test...')) tests a specific part of that page or component.
  • If testing a page, place the test file in a location that would match the route of the page.
  • If you write something reusable, consider adding it to helpers.js
  • If you use a constant, consider adding it to constants.js
  • Keep selectors short and specific. We don’t want tests to break as UI changes are made. One-class-name selectors are preferred over element selectors.
  • Avoid specific string checking as the test may break if strings are updated.
  • If setUp is firing too early, then try running the code within casper.once('page.initialized', function() {...).

Continuous Integration (Travis)

On every commit (on projects that have a .travis.yml), a Travis build is triggered that runs the project’s test suite (both unit and end-to-end tests). .travis.yml sets up the continuous integration testing process.

For the Marketplace frontend, tests are run using the Marketplace Mock API. A specific settings file for is used for Travis, found in src/media/js/settings_local_test.js.

Results of each build are posted to the IRC channel, irc.mozilla.org#amo-bots.